Editing Services


Copy and Line Editing

    Checking for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and general consistency this is a great service for those who have most of the work already done but want an objective polish to their story. I usually work in Microsoft Word or Google Docs and will go through your manuscript line by line. I will correct, make minor edits, and offer general suggestions on word choice, rearrangement to improve style, and fact checking.

Story Development

    Ever get stuck not knowing what your protagonist should do next? Ever wonder if your character is just like every other dime store hero? Content and Story Development is where I help you with your overall plot and premise. I’ll tell you straight up if I don’t think you’ve bled enough for a scene. Helping you develop motivation, ideas, and distinctive characters, this service is fantastic for someone who has a rough draft and is stuck moving forward on their novel or story.

The Whole Shebang

    For someone who wants the whole shebang this is the service for you. It is the most expensive, but it is a complete package. We start with Story Development, working via email over the course of several weeks as you develop and improve your story. Once you have your rough draft and feel good about it I do a more thorough look at your work and check for content and plot inconsistencies. Nothing like calling your protagonist Ralph only to change his name to George!

    I accept changes on a chapter basis until your book, novella, or short is complete. Once you have your story written and edited I take a fine tooth comb through it for copy and line editing. The end result should be a manuscript ready for publication.

All work is priced on a per word basis of the original draft I receive. I can work in either Microsoft Word or Google Drive and I always utilize Track Changes.