After a long hiatus my website is up, running, and functional again. OK, well that’s not entirely accurate. My website has been (mostly) working for several months now. I’ve just not been updating it. Call it what you will, but I’ve had a lot going on this summer and early fall.
I’ve ditched Windows and PCs and moved to Mac, after 20+ years. That has been a bit of a learning curve. Things do not work the same, no matter how much “cross functionality” people yammer on about. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in love with my little Macbook Air. She’s my baby. I’ve named her Matilda. But she doesn’t have access to certain programs that I was very accustomed to using on my PC (who I’d taken to calling all sorts of unkind names). Finding compatible alternatives has been an ongoing process.
I also took a tour as a bartender this summer. A job I will likely return to, on a very part-time basis, because I loved meeting people, slinging drinks and listening to stories. And did I get a bunch! I had to leave that position though, because I had some authors clamoring for my attention and wasn’t able to juggle both.
That leads me to the exciting news, soon to be coming, of several new books out, including two new authors. Chick-lit and fantasy, respectively, I am tickled pink to see these stories finally make it to publication. Once I have confirmation from the publisher, I will definitely be doing individual posts on each book and their amazing creators.
So – first post in over a year and more to come!